Contacting Publishers: Permission Requests

Please note: This page will soon be updated to reflect the recent the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) copyright decisions. Please email any questions to:

York University instructors should obtain permission from the copyright owner if they wish to copy materials for a purpose that is not covered under fair dealing. If you have any questions about the permissions process ask the Copyright Office for assistance. We have launched an Online Permission Request  Form to help with your requests.  You can either use the Request Form for class handouts or email the details of your request to

If you make the request to the rights holder there are a few things that you should remember:

1. Copyright holders may refuse to grant permission or charge a royalty fee that you are not willing to pay. Start the permission process early. This will give you time to make an alternate choice for the class reading material, if needed.

2. When you are making a request to copy remember to include all relevant information so that your request is not delayed. Clearly state that no changes will be made to the material and that acknowledgement to the author and rights holder will be given.

3. You can usually obtain the Permissions Editor's email address on the Publisher's website but if you have difficulty locating the rights holder ask the Copyright Office for assistance.

4. Always keep a copy of the permission request and the rights holder's response in your department's records.

5. Your email to a rights holder should include all of the information set out below.

Date of your request:

York University
Course Name:
Course Code:
Term Start & End Date:
Date Material will be Needed:

Source Title:

ISBN, ISSN or URL (if applicable):
Publisher & Publication Year:
Page Range to be Copied:

Chapter # & Title (if applicable):

Number of Copies to be made: 
Type of Copying (Digital on a password protected site) / Print for class handouts):

For Classroom Educational Use (Yes/No):